This Week In The Stock Market

We bring your the major headlines and trends in This Week In The Market series of discussions.

A record rally month of April was no stranger to new developments in our current restricted movement era.

This Week In The Stock Market: Earnings Season

A slew of market impacting Earnings came in this week.

Mainly , the technology companies that weight the most in the the major ETF SPY and QQQ.

AAPL, GOOG, MSFT and AMZN were met with diverse reactions.

Google stock appreciated almost 10% the day after the releases of its quarterly numbers.

Amazon was a the other end of the spectrum with close to -10% dive.

We traded AMD and Facebook  following their Earnings.

If you do not know by know, we do not gamble on guessing the market reaction to Earnings before the results.

We leverage our Earnings Quant analysis to determine the best opportunities on day+1, day +2 and day +3 after  Earnings.

Here is the output of such Research for AMD stock.

AMD 3 days after Earnings Quant Volatility Analysis

We were able to safely enter put position on Wednesday and Thursday that yielded great profit by expiration on Friday.

If you would like to learn more about this strategy, feel free to request a Coaching Session as part of Our Services.

We will take you through the very steps you need to master to start generating consistent profits during each Earnings Season.

This Week In The Stock Market: Successful Tradings Blog Innovations

Did you know you are able to interact Live with us from this very Blog ?

That’s Right.

Introducing Live Chat on

Since April 24, 2020, many of you are now able to get their questions answered directly from the website.

As show below, the small chat window greats visitors and help them with any questions they may have.

Chat window on comes at the bottom of the screen on Mobile Phones

This is Live during regular business hours in the Pacific Time zone.

We will be consider making it Live 24 hour/Day in the near future should the need be.

Our Very Own Discord Room Is Up and Running

Our Blog is going through a wave of innovation fueled by the interest and feedback from the visitors.

We want to delight those who have given us the privilege to search and select our content in this challenging time.

One of the Subscribers to the Blog, Sam told me the other Day that he discovered by searching the following keyword: Day Trading Weekly Option on AMD.

Before he knew it, he has been binge watching our YouTube videos and requested to get access to our Newly created Discord Room.

Here is our exchange upon his entry.

Interraction with a new Subsciber Ginger (Sam) in Discord Room

If like Sam you are serious about Trading or investing in general, reach out to us via Email and see if our Discord group peaks your interest.

If nothing else, you will Learn about Safely Trading Options on Earnings as Sam and many others are currently Mastering.

Gilead’s Remdesivir is FDA Approved: So Now What ?

Since early February, we have shared the increasing interest Gilead stocks is receiving.

Mainly through GILD Stocktwits followers.

The markets have been waiting for good news to bring Hope to the Entire world.

Some of the reaction of the market to a potential breakthrough of Remdesivir have been captured in videos such as this one.

What Has The Stock Market Done This Week ?

If the market can be summarized by its biggest ETF index S&P500, then we could characterize this week as flat.

That’s right.

On the first day of the month of May, SPY closed exactly where it finished the previous week.

As you may know by now, we provide a full review of the markets through our Daily Market Recap Series.

From a technical perspective, the current level is just above the Fibonacci 50% retracement as depicted on the SPY chart below.

SPY 4 hour Chart from February to May 1 2020 as discussed in This Week in The stock Market Article

Many of my friends are now familiar with my deep involvement in the markets.

Mostly through our YouTube videos and particularly the Call Option Examples. Go Figure 🙂

So everywhere I go I keep getting this question:

What stock Should I buy Now ?

You know well that I am not a financial adviser not do I possess the ability to predict how any stock will perform in the future.

Wouldn’t it be nice if any could consistently and accurately determine the stock market direction next week ?

So my polite answer to those seeking advice get involved by learning how to trade Stocks and Options.

Such involvement should not just be limited to reading stock market news.

One way is to get free education for free is through a blog such as and the corresponding YouTube video.

Many are already doing so by inquiring with us how to go about taking on this endeavor.

Here is an example of emails we have been getting lately.

Email Inquiry to on how to go about Learning Option Trading


If April (The Best Month in Stock Market) is of any indication for things to come in the Market for the rest of 2020, rest assured We will be bringing your those highlights.

In the meantime, reach out to us through our Live Chat System or on Discord to see how we can Help you take your Trading to the Next Level.


Suggested Resources

#1 : The #1 Trading Tool You Don’t Want To Miss In 2020
#2: Get Our Free Daily Market Recap Videos on YouTube
#3: What You Need To Get Your Options Trading Career Started

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TBP | Becoming A Successful Stocks and Options Trader


“Risk Comes From Not Knowing What You Are Doing” – Warren Buffet


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