We have merged our Plans into a single and Simple One 10-Baggers Trading System.
Click On the Links Below and Proceed to Checkout to Gain Instant Access to our Private Discord Room.
All Membership Levels Renew Automatically. Cancel Anytime.
Starting in 2021, We Launched Our NEW Offer with Even more Education and Trade Strategies.
We Call it the 10-baggers Trading system. Start Taking Advantage of it Like Many others are doing.
Here are recent Highlights of our Trade Results | As Seen On YouTube
- Can I trade from Outside the US ?
Yes, you Can. We have traders form all over the globe from Europe through Asia. Check Out what this trader of the Month of June from Singapore has done in 3 weeks.
2. Can I Day trade while I am working my regular Job ?
Yes, you can. Most Traders do so effectively. Trades nowadays can be automated with alerts and many platforms often offer mobile trading Apps.
3. Do I need Flow Algo to Trade your Alerts ?
No, you do not. But it is nice to have. Here is the FlowAlgo Full Review of Benefits.
4. Are your Successful Tradings Alerts Based on Flow Ago or Dark Pool ?
No, They are not. Here is the video on How to Take Trade our Alerts.
5. Can I trade your alerts if I do not know technical Analysis ?
Yes you Can. We will teach you in 1 vs 1 Coaching sessions how to Learn Technical analysis so you can make the most out of the Alerts.
6. Where Can I find more about the Gang$ta Trade Strategy ?
The Gang$ta Trades are now part of our 2021 Best Offer Package. Check it Out here.
7. Can You Upgrade to a Different Subscription ?
Yes, Email Telex@successfultradings.com
I want to suscribe to the alerts. I want to know what do i receive when i pay the subscription and ig you send me right Three the invitation to the Discord channel or I have to send you another email.
Fernando from Argentina, South America.
Hello my Friend Fernando,
You have studied a lot over the last two days.
I just replied to your message via direct email.
Check your Spam inbox just in case as you are receiving emails from Successful Tradings for the first time.
I am trying to subscribe but when I click on the link, it is not taking me to the paypal site.
Did you try doing this from a desktop ?
I will email you shortly with an alternative.
It’s not taking me to Paypal, when I click the link. Need an alternative. Thanks.
Sorry about the inconvenience.
We replied with an alternative to your direct Email.
Check the spam inbox as well just in case.
Thank You.
Hi Telex,
Thanks for the great YouTube videos on FlowAlgo etc. Thinking of joining your service to test if it is for me, few questions to clarify:
1) I have a full time job and although I’m in front of the computer most of the day, I’m not sure I can stare at the screen during trading hours all the time (I’m in Europe so US trading hours are my afternoon here) – can I still benefit from your service?
2) Do I need a subscription to both TradingView and FinViz to take advantage of your service? Also, I guess I’ll need to subscribe to Flow Algo as well?
3) Do I get to join the Discord channel regardless of the weekly, monthly or annual subscription package chosen?
4) What’s Exclusive Earnings Quant Research in the annual package?
You can email me if that is easier to discuss my questions.
Hello Pundit,
Thank you for your inquiry.
Please find our answers below.
1. US trading hours run from 2:30 pm to 9pm London time.
I traded from that part of the world in Feb/March. It was great.
Nowadays, we do not need to stare at a screen, we can automate our trades by setting alerts when the price hits our target entry or exit.
I see no inconvenience at all. We have a trader living in Paris in our Discord channel right now.
2. Both TradingView and Finviz are free with nice functionalities.
No need to upgrade unless a trader desire the fancy features.
FlowAlgo is not mandatory. We give our subscribers prints levels from from Algo to help them better position their trades.
3. Yes, Discord channel is open to all subscribers and non Subscribers.
We give higher privileges to Subscribers through private channels and exclusive content.
4. The Quant Analysis Research is our proprietary methodology of trading Earnings with Options.
It generates extra revenue on top of the Alerts during the 4 Earnings season.
There is one coming up from July 15th through August 15th.
Hope this helps.
Hi Telex,
I greatly enjoy all your videos and am severely tempted to join, but I have a couple of questions:
1- I love the Thinkorswim platform on TD Ameritrade and use it exclusively, will that be a problem?;
2- Is Discord necessary? I put that on my desktop about a year ago, and I couldn’t turn it off! There was no icon that I could find on my computer. I finally had to completely remove it…and that was nearly impossible as well. I look at it as being almost like a virus.
3- Is there a quarterly charge/ half year charge to join your room?
Thanks very much!
Hello my friend,
Here are your answers.
1. No issue at all regarding the platform. You can trade on any platform that you do have right now.
2. I just installed Discord myself on both my computer and my phone. No issue so far.So, my suggestion is to install it on your phone.Here is our Discord channel info: https://discord.gg/yjZwDgQ
3. Most of the traders have monthly or yearly Subscription. Of course, we will accept quarterly or half year subscription if that works best for you.
Talk to you soon.
Hi, is there any alerts performance or win rate to view
Welcome Faisal,
I am so thankful for your question about the performance of our Subscription trade alerts service.
Yes, we post the performance every week on our YouTube Channel in a playlist with the same name
There, we also highlight the big winners in a playlist titled 10 baggers.
Do you know what a ten bagger profit is ?
Inside our Discord Room, we have a sub channel where our traders post their wins.
Here is an Invitation to our Discord Channel to come check us out : https://discord.gg/yjZwDgQ
Hope this answers your question.
Talk to you soon.
What exactly are weekly alerts and how does one utilize them?
Hello my friend,
How are you doing ?
We give Subscribers Weekly Options to trade for each week on each Friday and they trade them for the following Friday expiration.
How long have you been trading please ?
Hello Telex
I am impressed with what you are teaching in your videos, however you make it seem like it is easy.
I blew up a large account and I have about 600 left to trade with, can you help with my journey.
Thank you Sir,
Options Trading does NOT need to be as complex as some experts describe.
Our goal is to simplify the knowledge required so that anyone can benefit from our strategies.
Like the Trade on Sept4 on DOCU that you and I took advantage of in our Discord.